Town of Pine River
Lincoln County, Wisconsin
You may register to vote or you may apply to vote by absentee ballot by going to MyVote ( or by clicking on the appropriate form below and sending the completed application and required documentation to:
Registering to Vote & Absentee Voting
Election Information 

Town of Pine River
Amanda Herdt - Clerk
N1901 High Ridge Road
Merrill, WI 54452
(715) 536-7687
A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both.  Dwight D. Eisenhower
Pine River 2022 Elections                                   
 - April 5; Spring Election
 - August 9; Partisan Primary
 - November 8; General Election
Pine River 2023 Elections
- February 21; Spring Primary
- April 4; Spring Election
Pine River 2024 Elections
 - April 2; Spring & Presidential Preference
 - August 13; Partisan Primary
 - November 5; General Election (Presidential)